
美国会报告:年初25万人回国美国 仅一成被筛查

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办庙会竟遭喷水驱离 江苏官方:禁止群聚

防疫时期,避免人群聚集,江苏官方祭出非常手段,地方执法人员为了驱赶违法举办庙会的民众,竟然出动洒水车,对人、对摊位直接喷洒,画面曝光,也在网路引发热议。 洒水车开在狭窄的巷道里,看到摊位看到逛街民众就对准喷,江苏省沭阳县执法人员,这古怪行径,在网路引发热议。 …

美国众议院监督委员会(the House Oversight and Reform Committee)7日公布的一份报告显示,从1月17日至3月29日,将近十周的时间里,有超过25万美国人从其他国家返回。



After the Administration Began Enhanced Screenings for Travelers Returning from Italy and Other European Countries on March 14, It Did Not Robustly Screen for Coronavirus Symptoms.  Of the approximately 250,000 airline passengers returning from travel-restricted countries that were screened by Department of Homeland Security’s Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Office between January 17, 2020, and March 29, 2020, “just under 1,500” (around 0.6%) were referred to CDC for public health screenings.  And only about ten percent of passengers had their temperatures checked.  CWMD conveyed that its informal policy is to check about one out of every ten passengers, in part because they “don’t want to slow things down. 【阅读英文报告原文】

纳闻 | 真实新闻与评述:美国会报告:年初25万人回国美国 仅一成被筛查
新病株更毒 全球蔓延! 麻州妇女染疫后连烧50天

「洛杉矶时报」报导,洛萨拉摩斯国家实验室(Los Alamos National Laboratory)科学家领导的一项新研究指出,新病毒株2月在欧洲出现,并迅速传播到美国东岸,并成为3月中以来在全球蔓延的主要病毒株。     新病毒株2月在欧洲出现,迅速传播…