
纪念併吞9週年 普京今天突视察克里米亚 神采奕奕…

  • 新闻

俄罗斯总统普京视察克里米亚半岛,期间参观塞凡堡一所儿童艺术学校。 美联社

Russian President Vladimir Putin conducted a Visit to the Occupied-Territory of Crimea today for the 9-Year-Anniversary of the “Treaty on the Admission of the Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation”, which subsequently Annexed the Crimean Territory from Ukraine. pic.twitter.com/ugMy0m5CSL

— OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) March 18, 2023

俄罗斯总统普京(Vladimir Putin)今天突然亲自到访克里米亚(Crimea),纪念该半岛被併入俄国9週年。


俄罗斯国营电视台播出的画面显示,普京在莫斯科任命的当地行政首长拉兹沃兹哈耶夫(Mikhail Razvozhayev)陪同下,参观了黑海港口城市塞凡堡(Sevastopol)。




Vladimir Putin visita Crimea y el mismo dirige su propio vehículo blindado. (Un Estadista unico) pic.twitter.com/rXwajZ0aBp

— Aníbal R. GonzáleZ (@Gonzalez20Anbal) March 18, 2023

Vladimir Putin is seen for first time since being issued with an arrest warrant by the ICC.

The Russian president visited an art school and a children’s centre in Crimea to mark the anniversary of the region’s annexation from Ukraine.

Read more: https://t.co/KwaD4eC1pN pic.twitter.com/Ktt3udz2ty

— Sky News (@SkyNews) March 18, 2023 纳闻 | 真实新闻与历史: 纪念併吞9週年 普京今天突视察克里米亚 神采奕奕…