
安德斯庄园 The Manor (2018) 0

安德斯庄园 The Manor (2018) 0

导演:Jonathon Schermerhorn
主演:克里斯蒂娜·罗宾森 凯文·纳什 Rachel True
又名:Anders Manor
剧情简介:It’s Amy’s eighteenth birthday. While most girls her age are celebrating with friends and painting the town, Amy is checking herself out of the insane asylum.Amy’s mother, Jane, decides to take her on a family get away, to celebrate her birthday and re-acclimate her to everyday life. A weekend intended to rekindle family ties quickly turns to the most horrific family reunion in American history. And it all goes down at Anders Manor…
在线电影资讯,最新电影,电影资源资讯,电视剧、动漫和综艺 纳闻-真实新闻时事动态-电影:安德斯庄园 The Manor (2018) 0
相关推荐: 无尽日 (2017) 6.6

无尽日 (2017) 6.6 导演:韩博文 主演:张殿伦 郑恺 包贝尔 周德华 艾佳妮 类型:喜剧 爱情 制片国家/地区:中国大陆 又名: 剧情简介:一个桀骜不驯、目中无人的三流男艺人王子,在几年的“自我经营”失败后,让公司彻底放弃,把他交给一个初出茅庐的台湾…