
[Full Movie] 幻族之城 Ice Fantasy City | 玄幻爱情电影 Fantasy Romance film HD

Synopsis: Fantasy Romance Movie “Ice Fantasy City 幻族之城” is about a love story. Chen Mengshui, Zuo Songxing and Siyun were good friends in their childhood. They alway enjoyed the story about a Fantasy City place. One day, girl Siyun disappeared. Zuo Songxing has been looking for Siyun everywhere for ten years. When he comes back, he blames it on Chen Mengshui and takes away his health project, by which Chen Mengshui wants to save his adoptive daughter Yangyang, who is like young Siyun. When Mengshui is down, a girl from the Fantasy City helps him win back his company. then Mengshui asks her to save Yangyang with her mysterious power. When they just return the Fantasy City, A Dr. Dark behind Zuo Songxing incites a force team to enter the Fantasy City. What will happen in the end? 故事简介: 玄幻爱情电影《幻族之城 Ice Fantasy City》讲述陈梦水、左颂星、思云是小时候的好朋友,每天都听着一个美丽的幻族的传说故事——一个令人向往的快乐而美丽的地方。然而有一天女孩思云却莫名失踪了。长大后一直寻找思云的左颂星迁怒于陈梦水,让陈梦水投资的医疗项目半途而废,之所以陈梦水投资医疗项目,正是为了拯救与儿时思云长得一模一样养女阳阳。正当陈梦水失意之时,一个从通道过来的幻族少女帮他赢回了公司。相信了幻族少女的魔法之后,陈梦水恳请少女拯救阳阳。当少女带陈梦水来到幻界时,没想到隐藏在左颂星身后的黑暗博士却怂恿左颂星和武装人员杀入幻族,企图得到能让人永生的幻族灵药,而最终美丽的幻城又将走向何处呢? 出品 Studio: 论影阁 Lun Ying Ge 导演 Director: 李遥波 Li Yaobo 主演 Starring: 张玉轩, 谢璐瑶, 王越吴, 颖涵, 李相炫 题材 Genres: 玄幻 #Fantasy 爱情 #Romance #lovestory #幻族之城 #IceFantasyCity #玄幻电影 #MoxiMovie #模晰电影 频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents 1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU5qmd5NvJljDBeM1sD-D1A 2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTF6rwqpN-QgtNK1ROAXu6g 3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtexkc9tRP3eZrv3bjIjtsA 4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyBhxb6ttn8cIu7FqO1ig6A 5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsKDL1xo2hsKHNvpblbD-yg
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