
【杰力豆爆笑日记】31分钟全集合集 | 动画/卡通片 | YOUKU KIDS | 优酷少儿

Subscribe YOUKU KIDS, let your children have a happy childhood: https://bit.ly/36QJNWu YOUKU KIDS aims to help children grow happily and healthily! We offer quality and fun content for 0~12 years old kids, including cartoons, songs, and childhood education videos. Enjoy the happy moment with your kids and family on YOUKU KIDS, and let your children have a happy childhood! 订阅优酷少儿,陪伴孩子探索更多世界的美好:https://bit.ly/36QJNWu 简介:节目讲述了四颗可爱的杰力豆之间看似塑料,实则坚固的友情,他们对彼此又爱又恨,却又难舍难分,一起度过着惊险刺激又欢声笑语的每一天。 #优酷少儿 #youkukids #杰力豆爆笑日记
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