
陈佩斯早年冷门武侠片,铁臂王大战女侠黑蝴蝶,尺度大到被删减!《游侠黑蝴蝶》(Warrioress Errant Hei Hudie)1989

《游侠黑蝴蝶》。 八十年代,内地电影圈流行侠女电影,银幕上各类女侠满天飞,著名的有《神龙剑侠吕四娘》、《天下第一剑》、《白衣侠女》、《红姑寨恩仇记》、《索命逍遥楼》、《险恶江湖逍遥剑》等电影,片中女主角大多英姿飒爽、武艺不凡,是八十年代国产武侠片中的一抹亮色。 The legendary Black Butterfly travels in the Qing Dynasty doing good. The literal translation of the title of this movie is: Heroine Black Butterfly. Mr. Pei-Si Chen is an actor well like by Chinese audience for being famous in playing comic characters in movies, whether they are purely entertainment, or for something with deeper meaning hidden under the comical surface. Mr. Pei-Si Chen should stay in the comedy because that is what he is good at. This drama is a very lousy attempt of Mr. Pei-Si Chen trying to venture into something that he is not good at. To make it clear, Pei-Si Chen going into drama from comedy is like Jim Carrey going into drama from comedy and not surprisingly, both attempts ended in failure.
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