
抗日战争胜利 毛泽东重庆高呼蒋委员长万岁!

  • 历史
今日 感谢美军飞行员与蛋炒饭!

按:1950年11月25日,毛岸英遇美军空袭,阵亡了。 大陆网络每有与朝鲜有关的文章,哪怕一篇《逃北》的影评,论及北韩种种地狱般的图景,常会出现”感谢美军飞行员”等类似的评论。不明就里的人往往一头雾水:为何要感谢美军飞行员?这个美军飞行员究竟是何方神圣,做出了…

抗日战争胜利 蒋毛重庆谈判 毛泽东高呼蒋委员长万岁!

After the victory of the Sino-Japanese War in 1945, in order to avoid civil war, for peace, the Chinese Communist Party in Chongqing with the KMT government conducted a 43 days of negotiations, known as “Chongqing negotiations.” 在談判期間,毛澤東曾兩次高呼蔣委員長萬歲! During the negotiations, Mao twice shouted “Long Live Chiang Kai-shek!”
August 25, 1945, Mao Zedong in the United States ambassador to China, Hurley, accompanied by Zhang Zhizhong(張治中),and Zhou Enlai(周恩來), Wang Ruofei(王若飛) to Chongqing, negotiations with Chiang Kai-shek. Mao Zedong on the plane shouting “Long Live Chiang Kai-shek”.
October 8, 1945, the National Political Committee of Ministers Zhang Zhizhong (張治中)government in the banquet hall of the Central Military Commission will be Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai(周恩來), Wang Ruofei(王若飛). 這是在談判協定簽字前夕(協定於10月10日簽訂),為毛澤東餞行(毛澤東10月11日離渝返回延安)。 This is the eve of signing the agreement in the negotiations (agreement signed October 10),饯行of Mao Zedong (Mao Zedong, from October 11 to return to Yanan Yu). 席間毛澤東發表了演說,最後高呼了一個口號,這個口號即:蔣委員長萬歲! During the meeting, Mao Zedong made a speech, the last cry of “a slogan,” that is, the slogan: “Long Live Chiang Kai-shek!”

国贼毛泽东(Mao Zedong) 谈抗战:一分抗日, 二分应付, 七分发展

毛泽东:”一分抗日,二分应付,七分发展” (70% for self-development, 20% for compromise and 10% for fighting Japanese)

­对政府方面催促的开赴前线的命令,要以各种借口予以推拖,只有在日军大大杀伤国军之后,我们才能坐收抗日成果,去夺取国民党的政权。” 纳闻 | 真实新闻与评述:抗日战争胜利 毛泽东重庆高呼蒋委员长万岁!
今日 感谢美军飞行员与蛋炒饭!

按:1950年11月25日,毛岸英遇美军空袭,阵亡了。 大陆网络每有与朝鲜有关的文章,哪怕一篇《逃北》的影评,论及北韩种种地狱般的图景,常会出现”感谢美军飞行员”等类似的评论。不明就里的人往往一头雾水:为何要感谢美军飞行员?这个美军飞行员究竟是何方神圣,做出了…